Racan Mole Scissor Trap

Professional Pest Control

Racan Mole Scissor Trap

Product: Racan Mole Scissor Trap

Code: RACO1095

Description: RACO1095

ENQUIRE: Racan Mole Scissor Trap

Racan Mole Scissor Trap

Very popular and highly effective mole scissor trap. Double entry trap allows moles access to the trigger plate from either side of tunnel. Easy set Long handles for safe grip and instant monitoring of triggered traps.

  • Strong durable construction
  • Mole triggers plate as it moves through tunnel.
  • As used by professional mole trappers.

Setting Trap

  1. Squeeze two handles together so jaws are in open position.
  2. Place trigger plate in between the 2 clasps very carefully and gently release the handles letting the plate take pressure of spring load. Be careful fingers are not in jaws of trap when setting.

How to Use

  1. Look for signs of mole activity such as fresh earth on mole hills. Do not place trap in a mole hill, but prod ground close by with stick to find a run. When the stick push’s through soil it will indicate a tunnel. Use a finger to see which way tunnel runs.
  2. Place trap on top of ground in line with direction of tunnel. Mark out area around trap using a knife and remove turf and soil to expose tunnel.
  3. Place set trap firmly into soil with trigger plate just above the bottom of tunnel.
  4. Sprinkle a small amount of soil into tunnel and around the trap, then place the turf back over to block any light entering the tunnel.
  5. The mole will think the tunnel has collapsed and try to clear the soil and set off trigger plate. You can also try without soil, but make sure no light enters the tunnel.
  6. Remember to mark location of traps.
  7. Please check daily


  1. Rub soil over trap before use to remove scent.
  2. Never wash a trap that has caught a mole
  3. Rub the scent off caught moles into the tunnels of other moles and place trap.


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