Twelve months of cancelled events have made it harder to keep up with the latest knowledge and best practice. Lodi UK has been working hard to fill this knowledge gap with How To Guides and a dedicated email newsletter.
Now, Lodi UK is premiering a BASIS official training webinar educating the cereals and pest control industry about best practices in grain store pest protection.... along with a fascinating talk on how Cotswolds Distillery make their whiskey from farmer's grain.
The ‘Grain Store Pest Protection’ webinar is ideal for agronomists, arable farmers and pest controllers who want to protect their grain stores or animal feed bins from pests such as grain weevils. Roger from Lodi UK will be introducing Ken from Bayer CropScience, for a talk on Grain Store Hygiene, Mark from Command Pest Control, who will be presenting on Pest Control Best Practises, and Dan at Cotswolds Distillery talking about the post-harvest process of turning grain into whiskey.
After these presentations, there will be an opportunity to join with Farmer Tom asking the experts your Grain Store Pests questions on a live Q&A panel. Farmer Tom will be on hand to give a farmer’s perspective and help translate the jargon into practical tips.
The webinar will take place at 10 am on 21st April and will last one hour. The webinar will be streamed live on top-of-the-range software to ensure smooth running. In case the weather is bright and there are tasks that can’t wait, you are also able to ‘phone in' to the webinar and listen to it like a phone call through handsfree or headphones.
In areas with poor signal, this will enable you to listen seamlessly. BASIS is allocating 2 CPD points for attending along with 2 PROMPT points and 1 BPCA point. Earn points as you listen!
Anyone who signs up will be able to request a glossy 16-page show guide. This will contain all of the information in the webinar in an easy-to-read format with plenty of additional topics, like fly and rodent control, covered.
To sign up for the webinar, go to www.lodi-uk.com/webinar.
See you there!